Standards: RL.8.1RL.8.3W.8.3
exercise By Sara Young
Standards: RL.8.4RL.8.3RL.8.2RL.8.6RI.8.5RI.8.4RI.8.2L.8.4aRI.8.8RL.8.1RI.8.1RI.8.6
exercise By Talia
Tags: the over...
Standards: RI.8.1RI.8.4RI.8.5RI.8.6RI.8.8
exercise By Brenda Benoit
Tags: 8th grade, reading information, Susan B. Anthony, speech, author's argument, author's point of view, ...
Standards: RI.8.8RL.8.4RL.8.1RL.8.2RI.8.5RI.8.6RI.8.7RI.8.3
exercise By anindita nag
Standards: RL.8.4RI.8.8RI.8.7RI.8.5RL.8.2RL.8.3RI.8.9RL.8.1
exercise By anindita nag
Standards: RI.8.6RI.8.8RH.6-8.1RH.6-8.7
exercise By Julia Sweeney
Tags: Constitution Day, Social Studies, Womens Suffrage, Susan B. Anthony, Speech
Standards: RI.8.6RI.8.8RI.8.1RI.8.4RI.8.5RI.8.3RH.6-8.6
exercise By Nikole Godenswager
Tags: Speech, Women's Rights, Social Studies, Susan B. Anthony, Women's Suffrage, 8th grade, reading infor ...
Standards: RL.8.1RL.8.2RL.8.4RI.8.8W.8.1W.8.2RH.6-8.1
exercise By Annie Knight
Tags: 8th grade, reading literature, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poetry, theme, figurative language, text- ...
Standards: RST.9-10.1RST.11-12.1RST.9-10.4RST.6-8.7RST.6-8.4RI.8.6RI.8.8
exercise By Lisa Putt
Tags: idioms, phrases, 7RL 1.1, 8RW 1.1, CCSS 4.5, Women's Rights, Speech, Susan B. Anthony
Standards: RI.8.8RL.8.4RI.8.6RI.8.7
exercise By anindita nag