Standards: RL.8.1RL.8.3W.8.3
exercise By Sara Young
Standards: RI.7.5L.7.4
exercise By Nicole
Tags: patterns of organization, word meanings, context clues, author's perspective, main idea
Standards: RL.7.1L.7.4
exercise By Nicole Bixler
Standards: L.7.4L.8.4
exercise By Brooks Rowland
Standards: RL.7.4RI.7.2RI.7.8L.7.4RL.8.6RL.7.6
exercise By Angelina Perez
Tags: Reading, Informational, Central Ideas, RI.7.2, Grade 7, sbca, RI.7.8, informational, ELA, RL.7.4, me ...
Standards: RI.7.5L.7.4
exercise By Stephanie Meibers
Tags: patterns of organization, word meanings, context clues, author's perspective, main idea
exercise By Shilpa
Tags: Grade 6, English
exercise By Cindy Toro
exercise By Cindy Toro
exercise By Shelley Bielak