Standards: RI.4.2RI.5.2
exercise By Sean Fitzgerald
Tags: Main Idea/Details, Grade 4, Grade 5, Informational Text, RI.5.2, RI.4.2
Standards: RL.3.1RI.3.3
exercise By Kim Segall
Standards: RI.6.5
exercise By Meghan Gieg
Standards: RI.5.2W.5.1
exercise By Tasha Lewis
Tags: Informational Text, Main Idea/Details, RI.5.2, Lexile 780, , Main Idea, Details, Reading Information ...
Standards: RI.3.1RI.3.2RI.3.3RI.3.4RI.3.6
exercise By Kim Segall
Tags: Non Fiction, Informational Text, Compare and Contrast, Author Point of View, Literal Comprehension, ...
Standards: RL.6.2RI.6.2RL.6.5RI.6.5RI.6.7RI.6.9
exercise By Meghan Gieg
Tags: Setting
Standards: RL.8.1RL.8.3RL.8.4W.8.2
exercise By Nicole Bixler
Tags: 8th grade, Edgar Allan Poe, reading literature, characterization, text-based questioning, word meani ...
Standards: RI.7.2W.7.9bL.7.1
exercise By Nicole Bixler
Standards: RL.3.1RL.3.2RL.3.3RL.3.6RI.3.6RI.3.2RL.3.4RL.3.5RL.4.4L.3.1aL.4.1eL.4.1fL.3.4aL.3.5L.3.5aL.3.5bL.3.6L.4.5bL.4.5cL.4.6RL.4.1RL.4.3RL.3.2
exercise By Tami Koenig
Tags: including ..., Grade 3, Folktales, ELA, ..., Literature, Fables, Moral, Third Grade, Lexile 710, fab ...
Standards: SL.3.2SL.4.2SL.5.2
exercise By Julia Sweeney
Tags: Constitution Day